Home Prairie and Wetland Center
16245 S US Hwy 71
Belton, MO 64012
Tel: (816) 331-9738
Fax: (816) 331-9739

Current Contractors:


For landscape professionals and educators:

In order to increase the long-term success of any planting, CSP emphasizes the importance of native plant specification and use in landscapes as appropriate to the natural conditions where you are likely to find them. For each native plant in our database, we have identified critical growing conditions including soil moisture and sunlight needs that should be considered in selecting the right native plants for right place in your landscape.

You can utilize our Plant Search feature to narrow your selection of native plants for any landscape project to help create beautiful, successful landscapes... naturally. Select the right plant for the right place by sorting our plant list according to characteristics including:

Sun exposure
Special features
Wildlife value
Hydrologic designation
Root characteristics
Season of interest

From the sorted list, add your landscape candidates to "My Plant List". Each list can then be printed to document projects are for general reference.

Login Required

If you would like to personalize these lists with your company name and logo, just contact us for this free service by giving us your name and contact information. In the comments section, indicate you would like a customized plant list. We'll review your request and get back to you within two business days. If approved, you will use your login and password to add/modify your business name, address and contact information as well as company logo. Once this information is in our system, simply login when you visit our site and each of your plant lists will feature this information in your personalized header page header.