Home Prairie and Wetland Center
16245 S US Hwy 71
Belton, MO 64012
Tel: (816) 331-9738
Fax: (816) 331-9739

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Sporobolus cryptandrus
Sporobolus cryptandrus
Common Name: Sand Dropseed
As the name implies, this grass most commonly occurs on sandy sites, but is also found on our prairies and meadows. Its inflorescence is wide at the base and narrows to a point. It also has an obvious ring of hairs at the base of the leaf blade. The grain is reddish orange, oblong and flat.Sand Dropseed has a distinguishing "flag leaf" located at a right angle to the stem. It blooms between May and November. Sand Dropseed has fair economic value for livestock and poor for wildlife.
Height: -4 Feet
Spread: 20-30 Inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-5