Carex atherodes
Slough Sedge
An attractive tussock-forming perennial sedge that lives in marshes, swamps, wet meadows, ditches, stream and pond margins, usually in shallow water. Uncommon in Missouri, but often locally abundant and aggressive throughout its range, this species is capable of spreading to form large communities through rhizomes which makes it useful for streambank stabilization projects. This species flowers from June to July and has separate male and female spikes, which is relatively unique. It also has hairy leaves with a purple tinge. Largely lives in northern latitudes, with a few populations in northern Missouri.
Additional Information:
Height 2-3 Feet
Spread 1-2 Feet
Bloom/Seasonal Color Green
USDA Hardiness Zone 4, 5
Home Owner Growing and Maintenance Tips:
Characteristics & Attributes
Hydrologic Designation
Soil Moisture
Special Features
Special Uses
Sun Exposure
USFS MO Ecological Map
Wildlife Benefit